Experience Ekology

Preserving Chile Patagonia


Our cabins collect and filter rain water to reduce our consumption from the well. All of the grey water of our lodge will go through a treatment plant that will make this water reusable for irrigation and grey waters.

We use solar and wind energy wherever possible, with the aim to completely offset our consumption one day.


We hire locally and buy locally – Aiming to provide farm to table ingredients, harvest local talent and purchase consumables that benefit the locale: from the soap we use to the wool blankets you will cozy up to.

Clean air

One hard decision to stand behind in our conservation efforts, was to not use wood to heat the cabins, though the look and cozy feeling of the traditional Patagonian wood stoves would provide for a local experience, they are also the #1 pollution agent in the region.
So we are using more modern ways to keep you comfortable while you visit.

Definition of ekology

ecol·​o·​gy | [ēˈkäləjē]

1a branch of science concerned with the interrelationship of organisms and their environments.


2:  Eko is committed to preserving the beauty of Patagonia and we are determined to have that reflected in every part of the Eko experience.

See the pictures below to get a better sense of the beauty of Patagonia and contact us to learn more about our goal to help preserve it for generations to come.

rio aysen patagonia